Camp Directors
Andy Johnson

Andy plays a mean trumpet and was memorable as Batman’s
Robin in a very funny 1980’s Counselor skit. Working on camp throughout the year with Brian and pulling together a sensational camp with the leadership team makes all the hard work worthwhile, especially when there are Its-Its involved!

Brian Dezzani

Brian first came to Sugarloaf as a Music Major Camper
when Walkmans were still cool. If you don’t know what a
Walkman is, you are too young! Organising and running
Sugarloaf with Andy and the leadership team brings almost
as much joy to his life as his beautiful dog, Missy!

Assistant Camp Directors
Scotty Comer

Scotty is both an amazing Assistant Director and also a key Board member of the Sugarloaf Foundation. He combines his exceptional leadership with a wonderful sense of humor and playfulness which has spawned many a Sugarloaf legend! From the original Kyburz site to Sly Park, Sugarloaf is in his heart!

Anna Alley

Sugarloaf has been a significant part of Anna’s life since she came to camp as an 11 year old!  She was a Concert Band and Jazz Band major, a Counselor for several years then Head Girls Counselor and now works passionately on camp from Australia throughout the year and makes the trek to the US every July to be on-site as Assistant Director!

Carol Kouklis
(photo & bio to come)
Steve Lishman
(photo & bio to come)
Art Drama
Rick Jones
(photo & bio to come)
Erin Dealey
(photo & bio to come)
Photography Music Production and Recording
John Echols
(photo & bio to come)
Max Hayes
(photo & bio to come)
A Capella Vocal Ensemble
Beth Wilmurt
(photo & bio to come)
Alison Lishman
(photo & bio to come)
Dance Textile Art
Monica Sanders
(photo & bio to come)
Sue Musker
(photo & bio to come)
Matt Howlett
(photo & bio to come)
Max Hayes
(photo & bio to come)